Dobrá farma

Dobrá farma

Miroslav Barutiak e-mail: The Good Farm Startup deals with gastro tourism and a healthy lifestyle. Good Farm comes up with the idea of growing healthy vegetables and fruits, specifically tomatoes in the way without chemicals and with...


Elena Danková e-mail: The project deals with creation of a new type of hospital bed for children with three sides. It would be attached to the bed of a mother to achieve continuous contact between her and her baby. The fourth side of the bed would...
Arttege Ortho 3D

Arttege Ortho 3D

Tomáš Breškovič e-mail: The start-up is focused on innovative methods of predictive analysis and orthotherapy in the correction of physiological defects of the skeleton of the human body. The development of predictive analysis is primarily...

Marco Mrúze-mail: marcomruz1@gmail.comweb: Discover the world’s hidden gems with our app! Explore the world and find unique, amazing experiences and places that you never knew existed. Unearth hidden gems, discover new cultures and explore the world in...


[vc_row][vc_column width=“2/3″][vc_column_text] Creating and developing a smarthealth / city application and the community it will connect to. It is a system in which users can share their activity with others through a map so that they can join them....