Mária Kokoľusová
The workshop focuses on mental health support. During the workshop, you work with elements of art therapy, and thus contribute to the flushing out of emotions. Linking reading literacy and artistic expression.
My goal is to familiarize students of the Faculty of Arts of TUKE with art therapy and thus contribute to the expansion of art therapists in Slovakia. Reference to ASA. During the workshop, you work with various exercises and painting techniques or other material. Within the elements of art therapy, elements of bibliotherapy will also be marginally applied, as texts from various books will be read, as well as elements of drama therapy (which will relieve tension in the group) or music therapy (perception of sounds). The workshop will also be made available to students of various faculties, who can participate in the workshop and thus support subjective mental health. Workshops reserved for FUTU KE will be conducted in an educational experiential form. Students will be introduced to the functioning of art therapy through experiential creation. As a teacher, I will explain to them in which areas able to work with art therapy and how they can use it in the future. Through multiple exercises, students gain experience, deepen their deep insight, and foster cognitive thinking.
The workshop will also include individual therapies, where they will learn more about the symbolism of various drawn elements and their transferred meaning based on their own drawings and exercises. As part of the workshop, I will work with my own material such as art therapy cards, art therapy templates, books, magazines and other materials.
The final output will be the invitation of the statutory officer or members from the ASA, who have significantly contributed to the establishment of the ASA. An interesting lecture focused on different stories will be created, linked to a discussion.