

Elena Danková e-mail: epolekova@gmail.com The project deals with creation of a new type of hospital bed for children with three sides. It would be attached to the bed of a mother to achieve continuous contact between her and her baby. The fourth side of the bed would...


e-mail: bindzarova.cvke@gmail.com Design and production of exhibit units, primarily for the purpose of popularizing science and technology. The produced exhibits will be intended for use by institutions that implement popularization activities – science centers,...
Fitliner Training

Fitliner Training

Fitliner Training je inovatívny aplikačný systém, určený na rezerváciu osobných tréningov cez web kameru a vo fitnesscentrách. Hlavným zameraním je aplikovanie “15 minútovky” do IT a telekomunikačných spoločností, ktoré majú sedavých zamestnancov s cieľom zvýšenia...


Adam PetĂ­ke-mail: petikadam@gmail.com Startup Flixup is focused on solving the problem of fragmentation of online education. Considering the growing interest in online education and the constant need to learn in today’s fast-changing world, we want to develop a...


Dávid Tökölye-mail: datiema@gmail.com Sledova At FOTOLITHO, we offer our customers a unique experience by materializing their memories in the form of a 3D photograph, the so-called lithophane image. At first glance, the image looks like an amorphous plastic plate....