Lenka Hlinková

Lenka Hlinková

Lenka build and lead technical teams to deliver exceptional software products. With more than 14 years of experience in Tech she has learned that there is no successful project manager in tech without understanding programming, that continuous learning is the only way...
Luboš Kolesár

Luboš Kolesár

Lubos is a UVP Technicom business coach, founder, owner and CEO of three companies. He is a long-time member of the general board of the Youth Association entrepreneurs of Slovakia and engages in issues of business support at...
Juraj Sabol

Juraj Sabol

Juraj Sabol currently works as general manager for strategy at U.S. Steel Košice. Juraj returned to his home town after years abroad studying and working at McKinsey, where he focused on transformations and strategy development in manufacturing, energy, banking and...
Kvetoslava Sarvašová

Kvetoslava Sarvašová

PhDr. Kvetoslava Sarvašová is a lecturer and coach with a real life experience who uses many years of experience in the top management of foreign corporations, knowledge gained in specialized trainings as well as her strengths. She currently works both online and...
Peter Šoltés

Peter Šoltés

Peter Šoltés is a CEO of Promiseo. Promiseo is a digital agency, Premier Google Partner since 2015 and the only member of Assosiation of Digital and Marketing Agencies of Slovakia that is based in Kosice. Peter is active also in several different companies and is also...
Milan Varga

Milan Varga

Milan is happy that he can share his 12+ years of managerial experience in IT industry mainly with R&D projects and software engineering services for UK and US clients with startups and young entrepreneurs. In Innovlab they focus on the latest technologies and...