Od počutého k videnému

Od počutého k videnému

Mgr.art. Mária Kokoľusováe-mail: maria.kokolusova@gmail.com The workshop focuses on mental health support. During the workshop, you work with elements of art therapy, and thus contribute to the flushing out of emotions. Linking reading literacy and artistic...


Peter Rusiňake-mail: peter.rusinak@intellope.comweb: onselo.com Sledova The onselo platform, a solution in the area of social innovations, will help our seniors and loved ones in cities and rural areas to improve the standard of living and deliver essential goods and...


Miroslav Hennele-mail: mirko.hennel@gmail.com OWASmooth offers data quality enhancement by Optimisation With Advanced Smoothing, empowering businesses to unlock data clarity, optimise operations, and drive innovation. Not only extraordinary quality but thanks to the...
Park Me System

Park Me System

Mykola Zhdaniuke-mail: stuff8869@gmail.com My startup will make it easier to find a parking space using special sensors that will also create a network of parking lots with a router. The router will broadcast the name of the availability of parking spaces to the...